How about club members putting in a team for the National Club Championships 2014?
The format has changed and the old style KO rounds with teams having to travel great distances to play each other, usually on a day in the weekend has been dropped. Instead the whole event will be held in the space of one weekend - this year the last weekend of April, ie the 26th & 27th. The venue is a hotel near High Wycombe. For the details follow this link:
I would suggest we have the strength within the club to field a team of four in the Under 175 Section, the Major. The average of the grades of any team being fielded for a match has to be below 175, and anyone who is graded less than 125 will be treated as having a grade of 125 for the purpose of calculating the average.
As a for instance the following six people might be interested that I know of (which is not to say they actually are):
Mark Page (192)
Andy Baruch (186)
Joshua Pink (171)
Phil Wood (146)
Roy Watson (122 = 125)
Bruce Holland (72 = 125)
which would mean the strongest team possible still comes in at under the limbo bar of an average grade of 173.75. This selection of club members is on the basis that each member either plays in the 4NCL, weekend congresses, or one of the three major events that last more than a week.
If there are others lower down in the ranking order would want to take part there of course are the Intermediate (under 150) and Minor (under 125) available, for a weekend away playing four serious chess games which will be submitted for grading for the July 2014 List.
Any takers then?