Safeguarding Policy

1. Kenilworth Chess Club (hereinafter the ‘Club’) exists to promote the playing of competitive and social chess. The Club has no distinct junior section; does not compete in junior chess competitions; and offers no formal teaching of chess. However, junior players are welcome to join the club once they have achieved an appropriate playing level and to participate as much as possible in the Club’s competitive and social chess sessions. This document outlines the Club’s Policy in respect of junior (and vulnerable adult) members, and will apply to all members of, and visitors to, the Club when undertaking Club activities. A junior in this context is deemed to be anyone less than 18 years of age.
2. The normal over the board (OTB) venues of the Club are currently:-
Competitive Home Matches
The Abbey Club
4 Abbey Hill
Kenilworth CV8 1LW
Informal/Social Chess Meetings
The Gauntlet
Caesar Road
Kenilworth CV8 1DP
Junior members and their parents/guardians should be aware that all the Club’s OTB chess activities are currently organised on licensed premises, and additionally many of the Club’s competitive OTB away matches also take place on licensed premises.
Online Chess
The Club also meets online on the Lichess and platforms, where separate Kenilworth Chess Club online groups have been formed, for both inter-club matches and games between club members.
3. The Club recognises that it has a duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults, and will make sure safeguarding practice:
- reflects our legal responsibilities and Government guidance
- complies with the English Chess Federation’s Safeguarding Children Policy which is available for viewing on the Federation’s website at
The Policy aims to ensure that, regardless of age, gender, religion or beliefs, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background, all children and vulnerable adults:
- have a positive and enjoyable experience of chess at the Club in a safe environment.
- are protected from abuse, including physical, sexual and emotional harm, whilst participating in chess at the Club.
4. The Club will:
- promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults.
- ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse, and that support is provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern.
- ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
The Policy will be widely promoted and is mandatory for everyone involved in the Club. All members of the Club will be provided with a copy of the current Policy statement each year. Failure to comply with the Policy by any Club member will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in exclusion from the Club.
5. The Club has a Safeguarding Officer (SO), who has DBS clearance. The current holder of the post is Roy Watson.  Any child welfare concerns or allegations, and any comments or questions regarding the policy, should be directed to him on 01676 532646 or by e-mail to . In the absence of the SO any concerns should be raised with the Club’s Deputy Safeguarding Officer (DSO), who is currently Ben Graff (Tel: 07836 293164; e-mail
6. Any allegations or concerns will be investigated, and if necessary pursued, by the Club’s SO in accordance with the English Chess Federation’s Safeguarding Children Policy Guidelines. Any consultation will not delay a referral.  Moreover, if any Club member thinks a crime has been committed they have a responsibility not to delay in contacting the Police directly themselves.  If any Club member has concerns but the SO or DSO is not available, then they MUST make a referral to the local authority and follow it up in writing within 24 hours.
7. For all OTB competitive and social chess activities entered into or organised by the Club, whether at a home or away venue, a junior member must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, for the entire duration of the junior member’s travel to/from, and attendance at, the venue.
8. A parent or guardian may approach the Club’s Safeguarding Officer to allow variations to the requirements of Paragraph 7, always provided that any such variation is accompanied by a written authorisation from a parent or guardian with respect to the travel and/or attendance arrangements proposed. The Club reserves the right to decline such approaches, especially for junior members below the age of 16, but will always endeavour to accommodate reasonable requests in this respect, as long as it is assured that the safety of the junior member will not be compromised.
9. In the event of an emergency, the safety of a previously approved unaccompanied junior member will be the responsibility of the team captain if the child is playing in one of the Club’s teams, or an officer of the Club nominated on the night, if the child is attending the Club for some other purpose. The parent or guardian should always provide the team captain or club officer responsible with a phone number on which they can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
10. The Club is unable to provide any assurances or guarantees of the conditions at OTB away match venues, but will never knowingly select a junior member to participate at a venue it has any reason to suppose might be unsafe.
11. For all online chess activity organised or entered into by the Club, responsibility for supervision will at all times be with parents/guardians of juniors/vulnerable adults. Any concerns about inappropriate behaviour should be immediately communicated to the Club SO, and also taken up directly with the online platform concerned.
12. This Policy will be reviewed annually at the Club AGM and updated as appropriate in line with experience and best practice in the area of child protection. A copy of the latest version of the Policy will always be available on the Club website at
13. The Policy was last updated on May 20th 2024.

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