Leamington League Division 1 Winners and Runners-Up 2024
Leamington League Knock Out Cup Winners 2024
Leamington League U-8750 Cup Winners 2024
Leamington League U-1600 Cup Winners 2024
Runner-Up - ECF Website of the Year 2018
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Top of the league (temporarily) - Part 2
A Bit Slow out of the Blocks!
Its been 6 weeks since the last A team match, during which time those of guilty for causing the loss against Banbury A (ie me) have had to watch while other teams - most noticeably that nice group of people collectively referred to as Kenilworth B, have been accumulating points and challenging our lead at the top of Division 1. So last night's home encounter with Shirley B was a long overdue chance for the A team to return to the top of the table, especially as we were playing the bottom team.
After our long hibernation, I expected us to come out the blocks on the B of the Bang - like Usain Bolt on a good day.
I was disappointed. It was more like this.
And surprise, surprise, it was our superstar Jude who was slowest away and who then got blown off the board by Jonathan Dale's h pawn advance and exchange sac. For a demonstration of how to respond to this tactic I would refer Mr Shearsby to the recent game Dale-Pink, where this tactic was effortlessly - correction, I mean chaotically - refuted. But Jude was by no means alone in his suffering, as I also went totally wrong in the opening and lost a pawn, with a terrible position to boot, against Keith Ingram. Fortunately, though, Keith neglected to push a pawn to d6 which would have virtually blown me off the board, and after grabbing that very pawn a move later I hung on and eventually jumped out to win with my own passed d pawn. Though not before missing a two move forced promotion of this pawn and prolonging the game many moves more than needed.
Thankfully, the Kenilworth players in charge of the White pieces were altogether more convincing. Javi took on Dave Thomas's favourite Open Spanish, and after what I suspect was lots of theory eventually complicated the game sufficiently that Dave blundered a piece. Bruce was also in piece-winning mode against Nigel Foster, trapping a Black knight on h5. I don't know about surprise, fear or an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, but such ruthless efficiency was sadly well beyond both Jude and myself last night.
So 3-1 to us eventually, but a real let off as it could so easily have been 2-2. So for now, we are safely back at the top of Division 1, though we may only be there for 24 hours as our B team are in action tonight, and could have vaulted back to first place by the time you read this!
After such a plethora of videos I'm loth to add my usual musical contribution ......... but, what the hell?! Of course there's going to be a song. It wouldn't be a proper match report without one. So how about another stirring anthem from Little Steven and the Disciples of Soul? Music like this demands to be played! Often and loud!!
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Another Railway Station Named After a Grandmaster!
It was a very long time ago (July 30.2019 to be specific) that the first - indeed only - contribution to the KCC Blog on this topic occurred. For those whose memory isn't what it used to be, here is the station that prompted the initial post.
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Named after not 1, but 2, GMs Torre can be found just outside Torquay |
Well, its been a long wait, but today has just produced contribution number 2, in what can now be called a series.
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Some people might say I'm cheating, but everyone in the chess world knows who Gata is, so no surname is needed! |
Gata is a small town somewhere slightly inland between Calp and Denia, south of Javier's old home city of Valencia. But don't take my word for it. Here's a map!
Wikipedia tells me that it has an "unusually large number of bars and restaurants per capita." Sounds like my kind of town! And, spookily, that it is known for its wicker industry - doubtless connected to Kevin of that name, once a well known openings' analyst. Who I drew with, from a position of strength, in the London League in 1988. Everything's connected in this wonderful chess world of ours!
Banana skin avoided!
Matches against underdog opponents can be tricky affairs. Particularly in the Coventry League KO, where a handicap system provides a further challenge. Last night we played Coventry B, needing to win at least 3-1 to go through. Despite having a significant rating advantage on every board, there was no room for complacency. All it takes is a mistake here, or a position fading to a forced draw there, and the pressure can really begin to tell. Mark had left strict instructions that we would all need to play to win, and in the end we got over the line with something to spare.
I finished first against Margarita Nasibova. Having offered a chance for early simplification, Margarita spurned this, electing to try to keep the queens on. However, this allowed me to pick up a pawn, and a second soon followed. It was just one of those positions that more or less played itself, and for once I managed to win without any drama.
Keatan was next to bring home the full point. I really enjoyed watching his game against Mike Johnson. Keatan played with a lot of energy, pushing Mike onto the defensive and having tied him down, picked up the spoils elsewhere on the board. A nice effort that made it 2-0.
At which point I was pretty confident we were going to win 4-0. All credit to Bava Manickam for giving Javier a good game on Board 1 (something I know from my own experience is not easy to do!) But Javier's class told, as his rooks ultimately exerted a tight grip on the second rank. In conjunction with a monster passed pawn, it was just too much to defend against. So 3-0 and the match was won.
Mike's game against Kate Donegan was very interesting. Mike built up really good kingside initiative, and seemed to me to be smoothly going through the gears. However, all credit to Kate for her determined defence. Somehow an opposite bishop ending eventually ensued, in which Mike was a pawn up but struggling to find a way through. With both players low on time, it seemed that Mike had found an excellent queenside break, but post game analysis showed that while he had the better practical chances, with best play it was indeed a draw. Something the players agreed to in the dying embers of the night. All credit to Kate, and of course Mike had been one of the heroes the previous evening for the B team. It just goes to show how little margin there is in these matches.
So 3.5 - 0.5! The banana skin had been avoided, and we march on in our quest for silverware!
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Top of the league (temporarily)
I think the headline says it all really. It might be mainly because we’ve played more games than other teams, but the point still stands that the “Bad” Kenilworth team are currently sitting on top of the table (I’m open to suggestions for a better nickname for Kenilworth B, as I’m not sure that is the best).
It was all looking a bit ropey at many points during our
match against Stratford however. The first game to finish was Andrew P, who
seemed to have rather a tough time against Ben Larkin on board 1. It was some
version of the silly Ng5 line in the two knight’s defence, so white wins a pawn
but loses loads of time getting his pieces chased around. Unfortunately, whilst
Andy was gaining time on the board, he was losing it on the clock, so whilst I
still think he probably had compensation, his being 30 minutes behind was slightly
concerning. Trying to make something of the compensation in time trouble proved
impossible, and therefore we were 1-0 down.
The less spotted Andy Baruch soon levelled the score. The opening
was so earth shatteringly dull I can’t bring myself to describe it, but against
Richard McNally that can only be regarded as a success. Andy looked to be slowly
outplaying him, until he found a clever tactic that involved letting Richard take
a piece with check on Andy’s back rank, but with the tactic somehow resulting in
Andy being a piece up. The conversion took somewhat longer than was optimal
(for reasons that will make sense in two paragraphs time) but nonetheless we
were level.
Mike had a comparatively smooth win, with perhaps one
exception. Playing white against a stonewall Dutch, I expect Mike was delighted
when his opponent played Rf6, then Rh6, then Nf6, and trapped his own rook. I’m
not convinced Mike took the exchange in the cleanest way possible, but
nonetheless he was the exchange up, and remined the exchange up until he
converted it into a winning king and pawn endgame. Now we just needed a draw
for victory – how could I mess this up.
The answer as to how was that I had already turned down a
draw offer, as I hadn’t been convinced Andy was going to win his game (why I
had more faith in myself than him is a mystery, given my current level of
play). It was all going so well – playing as black, I won the exchange and a pawn against Sam
Cotterill, and had a large lead on the clock. Then I totally messed it up into
a level position, then declined a draw, then horribly blundered into a position
where Sam had two pieces and an extra pawn against a solitary rook. I don’t
know how easy the position below is to convert, but I feel like it should be
possible. However, the pressure of trying to win for the team proved too much,
and in the end Sam not only failed to do so, but blundered away both his kingside
pawns, to somehow end up losing.
I therefore technically ended up winning the match for the
team, but in such a way as to lower even further the already very low quality
of my play for the season. Still, top of the league in such a situation – how bad
must the other teams be?
Friday, 10 November 2023
CE-ing is Believing (Well Almost)
The C and the E team (CE - geddit?) were both in action at Banbury last night. While Banbury had four matches on, as per usual the person with the key to the venue was amongst the last to arrive. Still, at least this allowed us all to catch up with each other in the somewhat bracing air, and then in the venue while the pieces were being set up. Who needs the Pump Rooms!
As per usual we started at around 7.45. I did not see a huge amount of the E team match, but the juggernaut continues. Solomon, Patrick and Steph all won well to maintain their personal 100% records in the league this year, as the team sweeps all before them. That's now four wins from four, with a whopping 11.5 individual game points won and only a single half a point dropped. Go team!
I wish I could report on a similarly successful night for the C team, but it was not to be. Perhaps any outfit which is relying on me to bring a dash of youth to the proceedings is going to struggle! In all seriousness we never looked like replicating the D team's success against these opponents a couple of weeks ago. Forty-five minutes in, I thought Mike's game against Paul Roper and Paul's encounter with Mal Waddell both looked pretty flat and drawish. I told myself that the beauty of league chess is that it is so unpredictable and you never know what is going to happen. Except this turned out to be wrong. Both games ended in draws.
My own tussle with Nick Martin was marginally more interesting, but only marginally. We reached a late middlegame that was reasonably poised when Nick offered a draw. I couldn't face the prospect of potentially turning down two draws in a week and losing both, so I took it. When we analysed the position afterwards it soon became clear that this was the right decision.
Unfortunately, the decisive game was Bernard Rogers' battle with Francesco Poderico which looked very difficult from the outset. Francesco secured excellent looking central passed pawns and space to attack. I thought Bernard did brilliantly in making a real fight of it, finally succumbing to the pressure with just seconds left on his clock. An heroic attempt to hold the game, but just not quite enough.
By my reckoning that's Banbury's first win in four recent games against the C, D and cup team at their place. Still, maybe now they'll be keener to open their doors on time, and let the next visiting Kenilworth team in!
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
The future looks bright! So keep smiling...
For the second time in a month, I played in a Kenilworth team that drew 2-2 with Olton B, as the D team secured a well-earned point last night. This was all thanks to superb efforts from Keatan and Dhairya!
An hour in, Keatan and Phil were both in endgames, while my game and Dhairya's were both barely out of the opening, but ultimately it would prove to be a long evening on all four boards.
I thought Phil was holding Andy Cottam. Even when Andy picked up a pawn, his remaining structure did not look too hot, and I was still hopeful. Despite Phil's best efforts, Andy then played really clinically to bring home the point and to put the visitors 1-0. (Big shout out to Phil though for his fine win against Leamington last week.)
Dhairya then struck the first blow for youth, by finishing next against Warren Archibald on Board 4. I really admired Dhairya's patience, and the way in which he slowly but surely built up an overwhelming position, which he then executed very nicely. An excellent effort to level the score.
Yet the player of the night award must go to Keatan. He turned down a draw in an ending that looked very level, despite being short on time. He then played brilliantly to tie Rob Reynolds in absolute knots, bringing home the full point. This was Keatan's best performance of the season and shows what an asset he is on top board! Exceptional stuff! It was just as well really...
On Board two I was up against Richard Liszweski, who I don't have a very good record against. My previous 7 days had already consisted of (1) Missing a forced win and having to settle for a draw against a much lower rated opponent in the Coventry League (2) Turning out for Shirley in the Birmingham League and going from lost to won, before turning down a draw and losing. So it's fair to say I was not in the best of spirits. As we all know, when you are down, the chess gods generally do not smile on you, and so it proved. We had a very tough game, which swung a bit, but I just seemed to go wrong in the late middlegame. I battled till 10.30, but in some ways the fact that Richard did not close the proceedings out cleanly almost made it more excruciating. Ultimately Richard found a way through to level things up at 2-2. Laughing at the swings and arrows of fate might be a bit much, but I'm doing my best to muster a weak smile!
Still a very good result for the team and that's the main thing! Hats off to Keatan and Dhairya. They say that youth is wasted on the young. That is definitely not the case when it comes to Kenilworth D!
Thursday, 2 November 2023
X Certificate Stuff
At least it was on Boards 3 and 4 of our Coventry League encounter with Rugby A on Tuesday, where neither Ben nor I had any reason to be happy about scoring half a point each against Martin Wilson and Dave Riley respectively. I'm fairly sure we were both winning at one stage, but I strongly suspect we were then both losing not long afterwards. So while relief was the order of the day, happiness was definitely nowhere to be seen. How could you be happy after playing like we did??
Thankfully, there were two rather more praiseworthy efforts going on higher up the board order, as Javi and Bruce each scored a full point, to see us comfortably home in the end with a 3-1 victory. Javi despatched Simon Turner on top board after trapping the White queen. Simon could only get two Black minor pieces in return, and the win for Javi followed soon after. Bruce had an exciting game against Tom Burgess on Board 2. He seemed to be well on top, and although things got a bit messy he picked up two knights for a rook. Black got some play with one of his rooks, but in trying to activate the other one he walked into a very decisive knight fork.
Anyone thinking this week's musical number might be Ken Dodd singing "Happiness" is going to be sadly disappointed. Believe it or not, I do still have some standards! I think this is much more acceptable.