Thursday, 9 November 2017

At least we managed to find the venue!

The good news was that we managed to find a venue that the B team had not had to visit for many years in the Leamington League. The bad news was that there was almost no more good news that evening. In fairness to Rugby A they are quite a good side but we felt that we just handed them points due to carelessness.

Ben was playing Patrick Reid for the second time in a few weeks. Whereas his previous encounter had ended in a draw, this game did not despite us having the white pieces. Ben pursuit of a tactic allowed black to gain significant control of Ben's second rank. Despite being short of time, black was able to convert this advantage into a win.

Mike's game against David Phillips was a London system. It looked like white knew the chosen opening line fairly well and this was confirmed at the conclusion was he said that he had played the same position only recently. White's opening played left him with an advantage and black could only draw the game.

Phil's game against Alan Phillips was a short affair featuring a Dutch defence. White's opening play allowed some tactical play to happen which left Phil with a piece less. Further to this Phil failed to take the advantage of an hour and half of free time to visit the Merchant Inn - a particularly good pub in Rugby and not that far from the venue.

Dave's game looked like the only game where we could possibly has got a full point. White irregular version of an irregular sicilian game him no advantage and allowed black to infiltrate his position and break up his kingside pawns. However, despite the promising look of the position, white was able to defend adequately. Both players got very short of time and in the final moves of a time scramble black missed the chance to win white's f pawn and then left his rook without a flight square. Game over.

So that was that. However, we now move to playing Stratford in the next match. 

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