Tuesday 25 July 2023

The 2nd of 7 consecutive wins

Report for Tuesday 25th July, as of 16:27. Another win for my good self today, as per the title of this post. 8 moves before we were out of the Lichess "Masters database", and 9 before we were in an original game. Based on the comparison to the 8 moves from yesterday, I think that implies I know 12.5% more Latvian Gambit theory than I do Caro-Kann. I'm not sure what that says about me as a chess player, but I am sure they can only be good things

I have decided my new rule for this tournament is that if you beat a titled player you get your game published on this blog (actually, there is one extra criteria, which is that I need to notice the game, but let's pass over that swiftly). To that end, we have Ed's victory over WGM Sheila Jackson from yesterday. The full game is below, but the critical position to look at is after white's 21st move. White has sacrificed a piece, and there is one move here that completely wins for black (-5 according to the computer). See if you can find it (hint - it is not the move that Ed played in the game:

If anyone found Kh8, I think you are officially too good a player to be part of this club. For myself, even now I know that is the move, it is hard to convince myself it is the only move which is any good at all. Still, fortunately, after Ed's inaccuracy, his opponent swiftly went wrong again anyway, sacrificed another piece (even more unsoundly) and Ed was victorious.

Leicester question of the day - who is John Biggs? He has a sizeable statue in a fairly prominent place in the City Centre, but it contains absolutely no information as to why he merited such a monument. This presumably means that he is so well known it is unnecessary to provide any further details, but I'm fairly confident I have never heard of him:

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