Tuesday 6 November 2018

Small Earthquake in Chile

Nothing too dramatic to report from last night's fairly routine 3-1 win for the A team over Leamington. The players of the white pieces, Andrew and Joshua, annexed the full point, while the players of the black pieces, myself and Mike D, contented themselves with draws.

Except that in my case, I didn't. I was completely winning against Andy Collins, but my disastrous clock situation led - once again - to a total meltdown where I frittered away my two extra pawns and overwhelming attack through gross incompetence. Mike's game featured the inevitable Tom Darling sacrifice (only a pawn, but its the thought that counts!) which he neutralised easily enough, but at the expense of a rather balanced position that did not induce either player to persevere for long.

However short that game, though, it looked like War and Peace next to Joshua's. Once again the British rail network conspired to make him arrive late, but that didn't seem to matter one iota. In no time at all he was simultaneously threatening mate on h7 and the Black queen on d7 after a nice, but rather obvious, exchange sac on f6.

Andrew's win was more of a technical effort against Rob Gill. He put his pieces on good squares to attack Black's horribly weak queenside pawns, which eventually fell off. Rob managed to generate some counter-play but Andrew played precisely to defuse the threats, and secure the victory.

Match over. Move along. Nothing much to see here.

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