Anyway, here we go with the answers:-
1 As wielded by executioners of old (3 – Hungary) Peter ACS
2 Known as Himself in Ireland (6 - England) Keith
ARKELL3 Half of a musical pair in overdrive? (8 - Paraguay) Axel BACHMANN
4 Courting couples favourite place in the cinema (6 - France) Etienne BACROT
5 Is he also a scraper? (5 - France) Christian
6 Was he a private in the US Army? (8 - USA) Joel
7 The Titanic should have tried to avoid this (4 - Sweden) Emanuel BERG
8 Oh no he can’t (3 - Turkey) Emre
9 Shame he wasn’t born in Hastings (8 - England) Stuart CONQUEST
10 Half of your front door bell? (4 - China) DING
11 Eat at your own risk – usually after 5 pints. (6 -
Netherlands) Jan Hein DONNER
12 There are a couple of them in Mumbai (4 - England) John
13 Agreed, Agatha. Why didn’t they ask him? (5 - USA) Larry
14 Robert Angler (7 - USA) Bobby
15 Strongman’s athletic event (6 - Norway) Jon Ludvig
16 The greatest Trojan of them all? (6 - Sweden) Jonny
17 No relation to Rudolf, nor a fan of Spandau Ballet? (4 -
USA) Robert HESS
18 Two GMs with the same surname (6 - England) David and James
19 Sounds like a born Royalist (4 - England) Danny
20 Where you’ll find Milan (8 - USA) William
21 Nissan pick-up truck model (6 – Czech Rep) David NAVARA
22 Area where Crystal Palace play (7 - Andorra) David
23 What sex life does a monk have (4 - England) John
24 It’ll never heal if you do this (5 - Netherlands) Jeroen PIKET
25 Played in many a jazz band (3 - Hungary) Gyula SAX
26 He’s actually quite tall (5 - England) Nigel SHORT
27 A needle pulling thread (2 - USA) Wesley
28 What Rick might drink his beer from? (5 - USSR) Leonid
29 He half-inched something?! (5 – Slovakia) Igor STOHL
30 Was it heat or nerves that made him perspire? (6 - USSR) Alexey SUETIN
31 Sounds like he’d fall if you nudged him (7 - Bulgaria) Veselin
32 A long, open container for animal feed (5 - USA) Kayden
33 The other half in overdrive (6 - Scotland) Matthew
34 Elementary, my dear (6 - England) William WATSON
35 A female sheep (2 - China) YU
36 Your name is Mark Page and you set the quiz
35 You cheated, but couldn't even do that properly!
30-34 You scored a Chess Quiz GM norm - many congratulations!
25-29 You scored a Chess Quiz IM Norm - I suppose that's something to be proud of.
20-24 You scored a Chess Quiz FM Norm - Calm down, calm down. It's not that great
15-19 Your favourite pop group was probably Middle of the Road
10-14 You know very little about chess, but have a well-rounded approach to life I can only envy
5-9 You know even less about chess, but have an even better lifestyle. I want to be you.
0-4 You must have been drunk all Christmas! If you sober up by the next quiz, try cheating!
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